jar-full (adjective):
a synonym for joyful;
a term used to represent the joy derived from the simple act of gifting, receiving or encountering a jar full of goodness (often food related) or other small gesture;
also a reference to the metaphor of "a glass half full", rather than "half empty", referring to an attitude of looking towards the positive aspects of a situation rather than the negative.
jarfull moment (metaphor; noun):
a moment of joy, instilled through the gifting or receiving of a vessel or jar holding tasty morsels, or through the re-encounter of same during a fridge or pantry forage;
a blog for instilling joy through the sharing of food-related musings, recipes and ideas, and to encourage the reader to experience and share "jarfull moments" with others.

For some reason, I've always liked jars. Such a versatile vessel - able to be used, re-used, and up-cycled for a multitude of purposes - yet so simple in design. I think what I admire about jars is their modesty and transparency - a robust yet unassuming container, keeping contents safe whilst allowing them to shine through.
Jars are fantastic for bowerbirds like myself who like to collect all manner of bits and bobs, placed in safe-keeping for a rainy day or potential project... or just nice to look at. I have jars full of various assortments of vintage buttons, bits of ribbon, coloured threads, chalk for drawing sidewalk rainbows and playing hopscotch (some day!), saved seeds for planting, paper clips, safety pins, pretty wooden pegs, old lip-liners (well, I might decide to wear that 1990's Poppy King matte brown lipstick again one day!)... Needless to say, I have a lot of jars scattered around my home. Whilst I'm trying to reduce my aquisition of new jars as much as possible, when I do have them, I try to adopt the practice of reuse and repurpose before recycle.
Jars are also (obviously) great in the kitchen. Once emptied of their original contents, they can be cleaned and used again for storing pantry staples and leftovers, or devoted to a new calling such as a fermenting chamber (for homemade kimchi, kraut, water kefir, yoghurt or cultured nut cheeses), sprouting container, drinking vessel (great for carrying and sipping home-made juices or smoothies on the go), salad dressing shaker, vase, indoor plant propogator, or tea-light candle holder. Jars have also become a useful shopping list for my weekly grocery purchases from the local bulk foods store, as I progressively stack empty jars pre-labelled with the names of different nuts, grains and spices into my wicker shopping basket to indicate that it is time to go out and re-stock.
Jars are also amazing for salvaging those (almost) cooking fails, which do occur from time to time (shhhh...don't tell anyone!) - quickly transforming that overly "moist" strawberry and watermelon cake, or crumbly chocolate brownie, into a jar-fully delicious trifle or “parfait".

salvaged as a #jarfullmoment
It's also amazing what can be cobbled together from jars of pickles and other delights lurking at the back of the fridge, pantry or freezer, when the cupboards might seem otherwise empty, bringing a little sense of victory and often the unexpected discovery of delicious new flavour combinations - these are truly jar-full moments.

A little taste of Barcelona cobbled together from a fridge forage - a flute shaped bocadillo filled with home-made smoked carrot and cultured macadamia and cashew creme fraiche, capers, the last scrapings of olive jam in the fridge, and a drizzle of truffle oil.

But what I like the most about jars is that they are such a convenient vessel for gifting and sharing food. Just a little taster (or the respective parts of a whole meal, depending on the occasion) can be conveniently packaged up into jars of the appropriate size and shape - to provide a little ongoing warmth and joy to the recipient's fridge or pantry - in the form of a fragrant hot chilli oil (to be used sparingly), or for simply enjoying a little jarfull moment "parfait" on the spot!
I like to gift jars of food to friends and family as a way to say "I'm thinking of you" and share moments of joy in the pleasure of food, as well as to share (and trial-run!) my kitchen discoveries and experiments from time to time. Only a small gesture, but one which connects and brings us together, if only for a brief period of time, to slow down and savour the moment amongst otherwise noisy and sometimes uncompromising daily routines and schedules.

Jarfull Moments serves as a vessel to collect and share my plant-based food adventures and recipes with you - as I strive to create and enjoy food that is good, clean, fair and sustainable (for our planet and all of its inhabitants) and also delicious and fun!!
I hope that this blog will inspire your tastebuds and bring moments of joy to ensure that your jar remains full.
